2000-06-23 Field trials for Hammenhög and C. moschata under cover:
2000-06-23 Sweet corn:
2000-07-02 C. pepo and C. maxima hills 2 m x 2m:
2000-08-02 Field trials for Hammenhög:
2000-08-09 Harvesting summer squash:
2000-08-17 Louie harvesting squash in the Pumpkin Patch:
2000-08-21 Transport of harvest:
2000-09-17 Harvest Festival at Vallåkra Stoneware Factory:
2000-09-28 Harvest of sweet corn and pumpkins:
2000-09-30 Harvest from the Pumpkin Patch:
2000-10-01 A selection from the harvest:
2000-10-17 Fall and winter storage:
2001-01-05 Køkken pumpkin from our Danish friends: |